Happy Valentine's Day!

      previous editions: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009  

Yes, the Crusader for Love has a new look! Why should she wear the standard superhero costume of logo leotard, tights, and boots? No one wears such things anymore (well, maybe in Berkeley, or maybe on Hollywood Boulevard). I've given her a makeover that more closely reflects my own style -- as you'll see if you click on some of her accessories. Let her walk down the streets of her city, confident, proud, and fabulously dressed!

Just as the Crusader has undergone an update, I've also started new journeys in the past year. My life now looks quite different from my life in LA. Erik and I both work from home, unaffiliated with any company or university, pursuing our own projects. This hasn't been as easy as one might think, but it has been deeply fulfilling. About half a year ago someone asked me, "What do you do for fun?" and I was startled to find I had no answer. Truthfully, my work is my fun, even if I forget that sometimes when things get super-busy. But when I have a moment, in between improving my drawing skills, starting an online crafting business, researching my family's history (for a someday book!), and working on my many other projects, I guess I do find time for yoga, dancing, the rock gym, and spending time with family and friends! It's delicious, it's exciting, it's sometimes insanely stressful. But it is what I choose, and that in itself is a great gift. When I look back over the past year and see what I have made of it, totally on my own steam, I'm very happy... and terrifically eager to keep going down this path and see where it leads me!

For the next couple of months, I'll be as busy as ever: I've got a long-overdue website revamp in progress, and a craft show coming up in March. In April, I'll take my first-ever international flight to spend a week exploring Hong Kong (really! I've never been to Asia!). When I get the website finished, it'll be the hub for all my websites, blogs, and so forth. But in the meantime, you can read about my creative pursuits on my art blog, and sign up for my shop newsletter -- the February edition goes out tomorrow (2/15)!

Here's to a gloriously happy Valentine's Day for all! I send you all my love, and then some, and then some more. It's Sunday and the Year of the Tiger! RAWR! Go out and SHARE THE LOVE!
