... but that's what community is for!

Thank you for your love, support, and friendship, and --

      previous editions: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010  

I set out to do my usual retro-comics-style Crusader for Love card, but soon abandoned that for a new look that feels more right for where my art is these days. Hope you like it!

The Year of the Tiger is said to be as fierce as its namesake, and it surely was for us. As fashionistas use the word, fierce is good, and our joys were plentiful. I sold my crafts at two shows, Erik and I went to Hong Kong for my first-ever trip to Asia, we enjoyed several family and friends' weddings, I got into a writers' residency that continues to inspire me and brought me a wonderful new group of friends and colleagues, and I started work on a graphic memoir of my family history. It's been a year of ample goodness, and I'm grateful.

But fierce can be harsh, too, and this year has been a challenge in many ways. My grandpa has lost much of his mobility and has had to move into a care facility, relatives have suffered accidents and losses, friends have gone through major life crises, and after almost a year of cancer, our beloved cat Tisha passed away. We've had some bleak days, but they've only served to make me more and more thankful for each and every one of you. That's why this Valentine, for the first time in Crusader for Love history, doesn't feature an image of me front-and-center. It's all about you, my loves.

Love to you, and gratitude, and love again, and more love. Pass on the love to everyone you encounter today -- you never know who may need it. Happy Valentine's Day! 
