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Happy Valentine's Day, dear ones! 

I can't say I've ever before spent February 14 sitting in an empty house with an empty fridge, but this is going to be such a year of firsts -- we might as well start now. Tomorrow we move down to San Jose to spend the next couple of months with family. On April 24, we launch a year (or two) of international travels by living in Toronto until the end of June. After that? Your guess is as good as ours. Maybe we'll tour the East Coast of the US, maybe we'll try Québec, maybe we'll fly to Europe. All our stuff is with friends or in storage, and we are ready and eager to see the world with only the packs on our backs and a duffel at our heels. 
So what prompted this nomadic decision? It was Erik who first recognized that our lives needn't be tied to any specific location. We can do what we do from anywhere in the world (well, anyplace with internet). So why not do so? Moreover, it'll be good practice in nonattachment to possessions and equanimity in the face of change. ;) I've never done anything even remotely like this before, and I can't wait to get started.

I will be blogging our journeys, along with my usual writings and art as always, at If you haven't checked out the site lately, this is the kind of thing you can expect to find there; it's also where I keep track of my latest publications and events. More than ever, we live in a world in which distance doesn't have to mean separation. Let's keep in touch... I'd love to hear from you via Facebook, Skype (satsumabug), or email. If you want to know more about our travels, ask away! If you have travel tips, recommendations, or friendly contacts abroad, we could use any of those, with gratitude. 

And Bay Area friends, we'd love to see you before we go. Let's meet up! 

I hope you can feel some of the love I'm sending out to you! Happy Valentine's, friends. All my love to you today, and ever.

(Curious about process? Visit my blog to read about how I made this card.)